The protesters are arriving in Tampa (with their pipes, bricks, and tedious adolescent agitprop).
I’ll be on Brian Wilson’s drive-time radio show — Talk of Toledo, 1370 WSPD — on Friday between 4 and 5 p.m. to talk about the protesters.
Media who would like to schedule interviews with me about the protests can contact this website: I’ll be reporting from the protests all next week.
My report for Accuracy in Media, Soros-funded Marxists to “Occupy the RNC” , is getting coverage in Canada Free Press and also on the facebook page for the anti-RNC protesters. Thanks, Brian Madsen, for your pithy rebut!
I’m happy to report that I got an honorable mention at Watchers of Weasels this week — thanks! I also have a commentary on the effect of immigration amnesty on my small farming town on this week’s Watcher’s Forum. Here is the commentary, followed by the forum for this week:
Illegal Migration And What To Do About It
Each week, the members of the Watchers’ Council nominate one of their own posts and a second from outside the Council for consideration by other council members in a contest for the week’s best post.
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Watcher’s Council Nominations – ‘Legitimate Rape’ Edition
JoshuaPundit on Aug 22 2012
Council Submissions:
The Noisy Room – Israel – Barbarians at the Gate
The Independent Sentinel – Obama’s Stealth Move Towards Single Payer Healthcare
The Political Commentator – I am going to vote for Obama/Biden 2012 because…
Joshuapundit-Is Israel Preparing A Fall Strike Against Iran?
VA Right! - RANT: I Would Rather PAY a BRIBE to Open a Business Than Deal With the American Bureaucracy
GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – Caliphate General Staff
The Colossus of Rhodey – Predictably infuriating
The Right Planet – Democrat 101: Always Accuse the Enemy of the Very Same Crimes They Themselves Are Committing
Gay Patriot – Legacy Media’s Todd Akin obsession: one more way to amplify Democratic talking points
Bookworm Room – The predictable Democrat ad hominem attack against those special forces who fear the administration’s loose lips
The Razor – In Support of Pussy Riot
The Glittering Eye -Spending Madness
Rhymes With Right – Christian Child With Down Syndrome Charged With Blasphemy In Pakistan
The Mellow Jihadi – Olga and Evgeniya, Two Policewomen, Meet Pussy Riot
Simply Jews – The mysterious Putin’s visit to Israel and powers of self-deception
Honorable Mentions
Right Truth – The Lourdes Myopic, a/k/a Lourdes of the Lies
Tina Trent.Com – History Mystery: How Fast Can PBS and the NYT Destroy a Generation of Young Minds?
Ask Marion – Palin Not Speaking at GOP Convention in Tampa… Huge Disappointment to Many – Mistake or Smart by Romney Campaign?
The Pirate’s Cove – So, How Awesome Is Renewable Energy?
Non-Council Submissions
Andrew McCarthy/NRO –Egypt’s Military and the Arab Springsubmitted by The Noisy Room
Front Porch Politics – Obama’s Scandals Get Wider As Lawmakers Probe Deeper submitted by The Independent Sentinel
Sultan Knish -The World of Tomorrow submitted by The Political Commentator
Ben Cohen/Commentary – Attacking Israel Online submitted byJoshuapundit
RedState – Radical Islam Joins the DNC submitted by VA Right!
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses – Pakistan’s Descent into Chaos submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
Wired Science – Apocalypse Not: Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Worry About End Times submitted by The Colossus of Rhodey
Defining Ideas – Franklin Delano Obama submitted by The Right Planet
Cato @ Liberty/David Boaz -The Cost of Government submitted byGay Patriot
Reuters Gallery-A Teleprompter Obscures U.S. President Barack Obamasubmitted by Bookworm Room
Dustin Stockton –Courtesy Of Twitter, The 10 Best #ObamaSeuss Tweets submitted by The Razor
Alex Tabarrok/Marginal Revolution – Racism by Political Partysubmitted by The Glittering Eye
Right Wing News/Cherna Moskowitz – Racist To Tell Jews Where They Can And Cannot Live submitted by Rhymes with Right
The Union Label Blog –Unions Protest the U.S. Marines For…No Reason submitted by The Mellow Jihadi
PJ Media/ Michel Gurfinkiel – No Future in France: Dire Times for French Jews submitted by The Watcher
John Fund – Voter Fraud in the Keystone State submitted by The Watcher
Well, I live in Tucson Az but use to live in Orange County Ca, hence some of the info on what happen in Anaheim which is a heavy illegal immigrant city. Tucson is closed to the border but less jobs for people illegal and Az strong law on e-verify. Unfortunely, Orange County ground zero with Los Angeles for illegal immirgants was able to do something back in the 1990’s, prop 187 should had more of a penalty for companies that hire illegal immigrants since illegal immigrants are heavily involved in ID fraud such as children’s social Security numbers and the Democratics under Davis gutted 187.