What Does Transgenderism Have to do With Opposing a Police, Firemen, and EMT Training Center?

In the final scenes of Dr. Zhivago, he discovers his daughter, daughter of his pre-revolutionary romantic love Lara, playing the ancient folk instrument, the Balilaka. Unlike her mother, the daughter has no feminine grace, no nascent womanhood: she looks what we would today call “gender-neutral.”  She has been raised by government officials in groups of other children her age.  She doesn’t know gender roles.  While she is polite, she is also mechanical and coarse: centuries of Russian civilization, emotion, reading, and human love between women and men have been wiped out by just a few years of revolution. ... 

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Idiot Liar and Extremely White Defense Attorney Douglas D. Ford Blames “white face jury” For His Client’s Violent Carjacking in an Op-Ed in (where else) the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Of course this was in the Atlanta Journal Constitution They titled it: A City’s Haunting Rejection of a Child.   They’re literally jealous of big cities like NYC and Chicago and Los Angeles and Cincinnati (does the L.A. Times even still exist?) for one-upping them on rising crime numbers — and — celebrating government enforced criminality.  So they resort to the lamest and most dishonest screed the’ve published in a while about our Haunting Rejection of a Child.  Except the child is a 15ish (their term) violent carjacker who put his victim in the hospital as he beat her and stole her car.

She is the most selfless of humans: a nurse. ... 

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is not the First “Truther” Georgia Sent to Congress. That was Cynthia McKinney.

I’m positive I’ve “met” Marjorie Taylor Greene a couple of times.  I put that in quotes because I don’t think I ever spoke to her, but our paths have crossed.  I’m terrible with names, and I meet a lot of people, but I do recognize her.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Truther Loon ... 

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Radicalization Concern Trolls and the new Apology Tour

In 1999, when I was lobbying to defeat Georgia’s hate crime bill for the first time, I coined the term “Apology Tour” to describe grasping politicians who try to score points by very publicly proclaiming their guilt for some racist act in their distant past.  

Such timed confessions aren’t really about atoning for personal error: they are one-upsmanship attempts to project accusations of racism onto anyone who doesn’t apologize as loudly as you do — and also fall in line with your politics. ... 

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