“Stop Cop City’s” New Anti-Semitic, Pro-Hamas Focus. What Does Hamas Have to do With “Cop City”? Because the Radicals Running the Protests are Just Using “Stop Cop City” Dupes to Push Their Usual Agenda.

Fliers handed out at the “non-violent” Friends Quaker Meeting Center

On Saturday morning, I drove down to Atlanta, where I lived for 20 years, all of it a few miles or mere walking distance from the new Police, Fire and EMT Training Center being targeted by a sophisticated international anarchist movement — and abetted by a dwindling bunch of local (temporarily), college-age dupes. ... 

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Arrest Mark Rudd For Felony Murder. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Too.

Un-prosecuted Weather Underground terrorist Mark Rudd has an op-ed confessing to felony murder in the leftist-terrorist paper of record, The New York Times today.

Rudd must be excited: his stock is going up. The last time the Times gave over their editorial page to a Weather terrorist, it was to his rival-in-love-tenure-and-attention, Billy Ayers. It was also the morning of 9/11, and Ayers’ wispy-bearded mug smirking from the pages of the Times as he bragged about how much fun he had bombing the Pentagon was likely the last thing many people saw before they suffocated and burned to death in the Twin Towers. And, the Pentagon. ... 

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Michelle & Barack & Bernardine & Bill: The Real Story of the Obamas and the Terrorist Couple

Welcome back to tinatrent.com! After a years-long hiatus, I am finally ready to start blogging again. I’d like to thank people who took the time to write and ask me where I’ve been. The good news is I re-built a tear-down house in the North Georgia Mountains and tried to start a tomato farm — and will be trying again to start a tomato farm, hopefully without the weeks of 90+ temperatures, poison oak wrestling, verticillium wilt, horrible hornworms, and the dreaded chickweed.

Speaking of terrorists who keep coming back, my first offering isn’t a blog post but a very long piece about the truth about the relationship between Barack and Michelle Obama and Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. ... 

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