Ramiro Gonzales’ Execution is the “New Last Supper.” His Wannabe Kidney Donation Would Not Have Brought His Victim Back.

Ramiro Gonzales, Saint of Serial Rape and Murder

Ramiro Gonzales, serial rapist, killer, and, according to the Austin Chronicle, “Spiritual Leader on Death Row,” has been executed in Texas.  The media is full of the usual lies about his original trial testimony, especially about the appeals-rejected claim that his testifying trial psychiatrist has reversed his original testimony that Ramiro was a danger to society.  This shrink now claims that Ramiro is not a danger to society, and that the science he relied on then is not science now. ... 

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Stop Cop City Is Lying About Their Recent “Non-Violent” Attack on Police. The Quakers and American Friends Service Committee Need to Answer Questions Now



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Emory Medical Clinic Physicians and Med School Professors are Supporting Terrorists, Supporting Rioting, and are Raising Money for Police-Shooter Manuel Teran

First, do no harm.

Unless, according to this nose-ringed Emory Professor of Medicine, you’re shooting a cop. ... 

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Jamaal T. Bailey (D) 36TH SENATE DISTRICT, Co-Sponsored NY State Senator Brad Hoylman’s Radical Empty-the-Prisons Bill. Let’s Stop Him Too.

Residents in Jamaal T. Bailey’s State Senate district, which includes crime-ridden areas from the South Bronx up to Mount Vernon, aren’t happy with leftists’ new no bail laws and tiny sentences for even the most heinous offenders.  Yet Bailey has co-sponsored State Senate Judiciary Chair Brad Hoylman’s radical empty-the prisons bill, S15A.

Take, for one example, Tyrell Taylor.  In 2012, Taylor was charged with 45 counts of rape, sexual assault and unlawful imprisonment.  He had, of course, previously been charged and cut loose on other sex crime charges.  But in 2012 he was escalating to torturing and choking his victims.   The community expressed outrage.  But Tyler was then, thanks to some of New York State’s other criminal leniency laws, limited in the amount of time he would serve in prison. ... 

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New York State Senator and Senate Judiciary Chairman Brad Hoylman Wants to Release Serial Killers, Rapists, Child Molesters, Cop Killers, Cannibals, You Name It. So long as they’re 55. Let’s Stop Him.

N.Y. State Senator Brad Hoylman, (518-455-2451 — Albany Office; hoylman@newyorksenate.gov; 212-633-8052) is sponsoring a bill that will offer early parole for ANY offender who has served at least 15 years for his crimes and has reached the age of 55 in New York State Prisons.  Brad is a member of the radical Working Families Party, though I doubt his elite New York City constituents actually walk the anti-capitalist walk promoted by WFP.  Nor will be affected by Hoylman’s radical empty-the-prisons bill, S15A.

Radically Pro-Criminal New York State Senator Brad Hoylman ... 

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Anthony Bottom, Racist, Anti-Semite, Catholic Church Bomber, and Serial Police Killer Being Welcomed By Leadership of SUNY Brockport. Bottom Killed Police Officers Waverly M. Jones and Joseph Piagentini, and now SUNY Brockport is Celebrating Him For It. Let’s Discuss Their Motives.

Just when you thought academia couldn’t slosh any deeper in the mud…

SUNY Brockport President Heidi Macpherson is welcoming recently paroled, multiple cop assassin and bomber Anthony Bottom to the campus. ... 

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Idiot Liar and Extremely White Defense Attorney Douglas D. Ford Blames “white face jury” For His Client’s Violent Carjacking in an Op-Ed in (where else) the Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Of course this was in the Atlanta Journal Constitution They titled it: A City’s Haunting Rejection of a Child.   They’re literally jealous of big cities like NYC and Chicago and Los Angeles and Cincinnati (does the L.A. Times even still exist?) for one-upping them on rising crime numbers — and — celebrating government enforced criminality.  So they resort to the lamest and most dishonest screed the’ve published in a while about our Haunting Rejection of a Child.  Except the child is a 15ish (their term) violent carjacker who put his victim in the hospital as he beat her and stole her car.

She is the most selfless of humans: a nurse. ... 

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“It’s Time To Re-Name the Mario Cuomo Bridge To Honor the Brinks Robbery Victims”

So says Richard Molloy, in an editorial published in both the Poughkeepsie Journal and reprinted in U.S.A. Today.  The Poughkeepsie Journal is my hometown paper.  I was too young to understand the organized and destructive forces at work in Nyack, New York that day in 1981, when Officers Edward O’Grady and Waverly Brown, along with Brink’s Guard Peter Paige, were gunned down by Weather Underground and Black Liberation Army (BLA) killers.   Also seriously injured were Brink’s Guard Joseph Trombino (who died later saving people from the World Trade Center on 9/11) and Police Detective Artie Keenan.  Brink’s Driver James Kelly was wounded, though less seriously.

This was not the first Brink’s heist these people committed, nor would it be their last murders of innocent guards and police.  Yet for 20 years, Presidents of the United States have inexplicably pardoning these killers (uh, only the white ones, cough) on or near the last day of their terms in presidential office.  Why do they do this? ... 

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Justice for Maureen and Danny Faulkner

Today, a few days before Christmas, Maureen Faulkner has received more terrible news.  On Dec. 9, 1981, she received the worst news of all: her husband of two years, Danny, has been gunned-down, assassination style, begging for his life at the hands of then-street-thug/future NPR commentator Mumia Abu Jamal.  The fine and brilliant Matthew Vadum has the story here.  Note it has been removed from search functions: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Refuses to Remove DA in Cop-Killer’s Case.

Here’s a handy list of all the times I’ve written about Mumia: it makes me sick to recount them.  I can’t imagine what it takes to live them.  Now a Soros-funded District Attorney has taken up the case for freeing Abu Jamal from within the justice system that was supposed to represent Danny Faulkner, not drag his body from the grave and lynch his bones, again, from the nearest flagpole.  This what you voted for, Democrats.  None of you are welcome near my house again. The lines are drawn. ... 

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No, Judith Clark Isn’t A “Reformed Prisoner.” Yes, Her Victims Are Still Dead. And Guess Which Congressional Freshman Supported Her Parole.

Judith Clark in Court Laughing about Cops and Security Officer she Murdered

Cop-hating rag of record the New York Times is once again grotesquely trying to peddle the story that Brinks Robbery cop-killer Judith Clark is now a “reformed person” who deserves the parole Andrew Cuomo just orchestrated for her.  “Ms. Clark, 69 . . . evolved during her long incarceration from a left-wing extremist to a model prisoner known for good works,” the Times lied today. ... 

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Is Katherine Ann Power Violating the Law by Profiting from the Murder of Officer Walter Schroeder? Did Boston University and Oregon State Help Her Break Parole?

In 1970, Katherine Ann Power helped murder Boston Police officer Walter Schroeder in a bank robbery.  Power was a college radical who was helping arm the Black Panthers by robbing banks and stealing weapons.  Thanks to her violent acts, rather than any discernible academic accomplishment, she is now a celebrity in academic circles, like many other violent terrorists of her time, including Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Susan Rosenberg, judge and “human rights” law professor Eleanor Raskin, and Obama Recovery Act advisor Jeff Jones.

Officer Walter A. Schroeder ... 

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Gun Control is a Distraction: the President is Sending Grief Counselors.

 . . . And, Lester Jackson on Benny Lee Hodge, Sonia Sotomayor, and Apologies for Mass Murderers

Great Leader chatter about Obama healing the nation is engulfing every network news station — including Fox — following the mass killing in Connecticut.  Was it always this way?  I’m thinking back on Columbine, David Koresh, Oklahoma City — is anyone else getting nostalgic for mere partisan political jabs in the wake of grim and senseless violence?  There is something profoundly creepy about the bureaucratic/therapeutic/paternalistic vibe emanating from Washington.  Of course, this is part of the Department of Justice’s ongoing efforts to expand their mission beyond crime control . . . to social control.  Flying under the flag of “anti-bullying,” “hate hurts,” “restorative justice,” and “prisoner re-entry,” the Department of Justice continues its Great March behind the Great Leader into people’s lives, this time using the excuse of a nut with a gun.

The goal isn’t merely gun control.  Gun control is a speed bump on the way to social control. ... 

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Father Moloney Jokes About His Role in Brinks Robbery: The New York Times Fetishizes Another Terrorist

With enough clichés to fill a file cabinet labeled Boy’s Town, the Order of St. Duranty of the prefecture of 8th Avenue absolved another preening terrorist last week.  And, look!  It’s yet another radical chicklet involved in yet another Brinks Robbery.  I’m sorry, I mean Father Radical Chic, the Reverend Patrick Moloney, who still thinks it’s extremely funny that some poor innocent Brinks guards suffered the hell of guns held to their temples.  Moloney got to wallow in a big pile of money before getting caught and serving a few token years.

Yon Patrick: you don’t hold a gun to the temple of an innocent and then change the location of the money, you chase the money changers out of the  . . . oh, never mind. ... 

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“Grassroots” Prisoner Strikes in California Actually Funded Directly by George Soros

The hunger strikes at several California prisons this summer may have seemed like spontaneous uprisings against torturous conditions.  That’s how many incurious souls in the fourth estate are portraying them.  To wit, this hand-wringing Washington Post editorial highlighting the “tragic modesty” of prisoner demands:

DOZENS OF INMATES at California’s Pelican Bay facility went on hunger strikes for several weeks this summer for what seemed like pitifully modest demands: “Allow one photo per year. Allow one phone call per week. Allow wall calendars.”  What would prompt such drastic measures in the quest for such modest goals? Answer: The protest was an exasperated and understandable reaction to the invisible brutality that is solitary confinement. Some of the Pelican Bay inmates have been held in “security housing units” for years; those tagged as gang members can expect to stay there for six years, with no certainty that they will be reintegrated into the general population even if they renounce gang membership.  When an inmate is holed up alone in a cell for up to 23 hours a day with no meaningful human contact, a photograph of a loved one or a weekly telephone call can help to forge a connection with the outside world. With little or no exposure to natural light, a calendar can help forestall losing all track of time, all sense of reality. These simple privileges, in short, can help ward off insanity. ... 

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Star Wars Bar Fights, the Compassion Racket, and Prisoner Re-Entry

Thanks to cost-cutting, or rather, thanks to the fact that there are lots of criminals in California, Los Angeles County is going to have to provide jail beds and parole supervision for 7,000 additional inmates a year who would have otherwise been sent to state prisons.

In the L.A. Times, County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich had this to say: ... 

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Marilyn Buck, Cop Killer: Five Less Than Six Degrees of Separation From Barack Obama

This is Marilyn Buck, cop-killer, friend of cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal, also friend (rather, indicted co-conspirator) of un-indicted co-conspirators Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, who are personal friends of President Obama, who paroled Buck from prison despite the fact that she had decades more to serve for multiple shootings and bombings, including the 1981 Brinks Robbery that left two innocent police and a security guard dead.

It’s a small world after all. ... 

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Mumia Abu-Jamal and Marty Hittleman: California Teachers Endorse a Cop Killer, Get Caught, Blame Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Question: What’s worse than a teacher’s union voting to support a cold-blooded cop killer? Answer: A teacher’s union voting to support a cold-blooded cop killer, then making up all sorts of lame excuses to the cop’s widow before hanging up on her, then running to their membership to tell an entirely different story to justify their behavior . . . by pointing fingers at  Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who, according to the California Federation of Teachers union, is forcing teachers 2000 miles away support a cop killer.

Marty Hittelman, President, California Federation of Teachers ... 

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The Green Mile Syndrome: David Lee Powell Was Not Innocent. His Victims Are Not Hateful.

Someone claiming to be cop-killer David Powell’s cousin has written me, accusing Powell’s victims and the justice system of various sins.  Unsupported allegations like these too often pass for debate over the death penalty in the mainstream media.  Therefore, it’s worth a look, though the slurs Powell’s cousin tosses at the victims ought to just be trash canned.  See here and here for my previous posts on Powell.

The writer, John Struve, makes several assertions about minutiae of the appeals process — assertions that should be taken with a very large grain of salt, for he offers no proof.  It’s not as if the courts didn’t revisit these cases in detail: that is why it took 30 years to execute Powell.  It’s not as if Struve lacks access to the court documents.  But he feels no need to back up his claims, and in this, the media has unfortunately trained him to need no proof as he says everything and anything about the case against Powell. ... 

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Splitting (Other People’s) Hairs (Or Their Throats): David Oshinski, Amy Bach, Jimmy Carter, and Terry Gross Whitewash Wilbert Rideau’s Crimes

This is Wilbert Rideau, Academy Award nominee, George Polk award winner, George Soros grant recipient, Jimmy Carter Center honoree, American Bar Association Silver Gavel winner, Grand Jury prize winner at Sundance, NPR commentator, journalist, Random House author, Terry Gross pal, friend of the famous and the rich . . . you get the picture.

Oh yeah, he also kidnapped three innocent people during a bank robbery in 1961, shot them all, and then stabbed the one young woman who couldn’t escape him after he “ran out of bullets,” as the second victim played dead and the third hid in a swamp.  He plunged a butcher knife into Julia Ferguson’s throat as she begged for her life.  Rideau later went on to claim that she wasn’t technically begging for her life, as part of Johnny Cochran’s successful 2005 bid to get him out of prison, but in this conveniently forgotten video, he tells a very different — and shocking — story about the crime. ... 

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Al Franken’s Latest Rape Joke: Chatigny Advances

Robert Chatigny, whose controversial advocacy for serial killer Michael Ross may have inspired Obama to nominate him to the Circuit Court, advanced out of the Senate Judiciary Committee on a party-line vote.  I wrote here about the reasons why I think Obama would nominate someone like Chatigny:

Obama Shows Contempt for Victims ... 

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Executing David Lee Powell: The Austin Statesman Hearts a Cop-Killer

Media coverage of executions used to be shameless.  Reporters played advocate, inserting themselves and their inflamed sensibilities into the story, while victims’ families were ignored or accused of being “vengeful,” a crime apparently worse than murder itself.

Only victims’ families were thus demeaned: offenders, no matter the horror of their actual crimes, were depicted in only the most positive light.  They were deemed specially sensitive, or dignified, or talented, or at least pitiful, as if playing up to (or merely embodying) the reporter’s sensibilities magically erased the profound harm these men had visited on others. ... 

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Benjamin LaGuer. Brutal Rapist Identified by DNA. His Famous Friends are Still Trying to Blame the Victim.

Benjamin LaGuer, who became a cause celeb among the media and academic demigods of Boston until it turned out his DNA matched the crime scene(after faking his first DNA test by substituting another prisoner’s DNA), wants out of prison again (see here and here for earlier posts).

He has fewer supporters this time, but Noam Chomsky and John Silber are still ponying up.  Most of his fan club went into hiding or mourning when it turned out that LaGuer’s DNA was indeed in the rape kit — rather than grope towards ethical consistency by apologizing to a rape victim they had viciously dragged through the mud. ... 

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Rodney Alcala’s Criminal Appeals: Is Alcala Smart, Or Is The System Stupid?

Much is being made about Rodney Alcala’s allegedly superior intelligence. I don’t buy it any more than I buy it when defense attorneys wave a piece of paper in the courtroom and claim their client is mentally challenged and thus deserves a break.  It’s just theater.  Alcala’s a haircut with cheekbones: his IQ, whatever it might be, matters far less than the pro-offender sentiments of the era when he was first tried, and re-tried.

It certainly didn’t take a rocket scientist to play the California criminal justice system for a fool back in the 1970’s.  Unfortunately, in many ways, the same is still true. ... 

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Rwanda and Columbine: The Politics of Forced Reconciliation

Occasionally, in response to something I write, I receive an e-mail advising me that, for the good of my soul, I had better stop judging criminals (or criticizing, or even joking about them) and train myself to vigilantly “forgive” them instead.  For example:

Life is too short to walk around with this kind of hate inside. Anger and bitterness is a poison that destroys the pot it is kept in. ... 

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Rapists, Child Molesters Treated With Most Lenience: Washington Examiner

Why does it seem like the people who commit the most heinous sex crimes are the ones getting multiple breaks from the courts?  Apparently, I’m not the only person wondering.  I certainly hope the Washington Examiner doesn’t mind that I’m copying their article in its entirety.  It’s so staggeringly rare to find stories outside the “Hooray, We’re Emptying the Prisons” media drumbeat these days:

Freed criminals prey on public

By: Scott McCabe
Examiner Staff Writer
March 21, 2010

From left: Darryl Hazel, Robert Joseph Williams and Virgilio Nunez

Cops hunt felons turned loose by system ... 

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