Andrew Cuomo Commuted the Sentence of David Gilbert, Who Killed Two Cops And a Security Guard. All Roads Lead to Obama.

Why would Cuomo spend his last days in office releasing and commuting the sentences of killers, especially cop killer David Gilbert?  All roads lead to the Obamas.   

All roads lead to the Obamas because of the Obamas’ intimate relationship with cop killers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and their deeply intimate relationship with David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin.  After years of planting bombs with Gilbert and Boudin, Ayers and Dohrn adopted Chesa Boudin, son of David Gilbert and Kathy Boudin, when these two wanna-be Black Liberation Army murderers went to prison after teaming up with Bernardine Dohrn to stage the robberies and murders of several Brinks drivers, police, security, and other living humans.  (see: Marilyn Buck, Cop Killer: Five Less Than Six Degrees of Separation From Barack Obama).  Dohrn, curiously, was never charged despite her known involvement in the crimes.  She was jailed merely for refusing to testify, but curiously, was released a few months later.  For more information detailing Dohrn’s involvement in the Brink’s Murders, see my report: Michelle, Barack, Bernardine, and Bill: the real story of the Obamas and the terrorist couple.  In it, I quote award-winning journalist John Castellucci, who documents many of Dohrn’s forgotten criminal activities in his excellent 1986 book, The Big Dance: The Untold Story of Weatherman Kathy Boudin and the Terrorist Family that Committed the Brink’s Robbery Murders... 

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is not the First “Truther” Georgia Sent to Congress. That was Cynthia McKinney.

I’m positive I’ve “met” Marjorie Taylor Greene a couple of times.  I put that in quotes because I don’t think I ever spoke to her, but our paths have crossed.  I’m terrible with names, and I meet a lot of people, but I do recognize her.

Marjorie Taylor Greene: Truther Loon ... 

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Varieties of Self-Pity and Murder: Aaron Alexis and The New York Times

Little is known about the twelve victims brutally murdered by Aaron Alexis, but the New York Times, in a banner article, wants you to know that their killer had an “interest in Thai culture.”

Well.  That gives him a softer profile, doesn’t it?  Buddhism, Thai language skills, plus dubious claims about oppression by the police, society, white folks, his neighbors, PTSD, his employment contract, the construction guys parking outside his house, 9/11, and so on, equals victimization lottery for Mr. Alexis. ... 

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Rapists, Child Molesters Treated With Most Lenience: Washington Examiner

Why does it seem like the people who commit the most heinous sex crimes are the ones getting multiple breaks from the courts?  Apparently, I’m not the only person wondering.  I certainly hope the Washington Examiner doesn’t mind that I’m copying their article in its entirety.  It’s so staggeringly rare to find stories outside the “Hooray, We’re Emptying the Prisons” media drumbeat these days:

Freed criminals prey on public

By: Scott McCabe
Examiner Staff Writer
March 21, 2010

From left: Darryl Hazel, Robert Joseph Williams and Virgilio Nunez

Cops hunt felons turned loose by system ... 

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East Coast Rapist, DeKalb County Rapist: Serial Rapists and DNA. It Works. If You Bother to Use It.


(Hat tip to Pat)

In 2007, I stood by the mailbox of the house I once briefly rented in Sarasota, Florida, contemplating the short distance between my house and the house where my rapist grew up, less than a mile, and a strikingly direct path over a well-worn shortcut across the train tracks. ... 

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What Works? D.C. Moves Forward on Fighting Crime

As Atlanta prepares for the none-too-soon departure of the current mayor and police chief, it’s worth considering the example of cities where reasonable, engaged crime-fighting policies seem to be working:

Washington D.C. is experiencing the lowest murder rate in years.  Why? D.C.’s fairly new and interesting Police Chief, Cathy L. Lanier, attributes the drop in murder rates to intensive use of communication tools and intensive planning to anticipate trouble at certain events and between certain gangs: ... 

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