Post-Thanksgiving Indigestion

Watcher’s Council Reads:

Watcher’s Council Nominations – Am Yisrael Chai Edition

 on Nov 21 2012 at 3:54 am | Filed under: Nominations

The Israelis finally got sick and tired of having rockets, Iranian supplied missiles and mortars being fired at their civilians by Hamas and decided to do something about it. And as always, every time Israel defends itself, it’s somehow controversial. ... 

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Watcher’s Council

Our latest coverage of George Soros and the demise of the criminology profession made it onto the Watcher’s Council nominations this week.  My vote?  The Three C’s, at Gates of Vienna, which discusses how political correctness is preventing British police from investigating child sexual exploitation and child rape.  It can happen here.  Check out the cool historical photographs accompanying the story:

   Reading in a London library, 1940 – ’41 ... 

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Watcher’s Council

For regular readers (yeah, I imagine my readers are regular), Watcher’s Council is a blogging group posted at all corners of the globe.  The writing is a hybrid of politics and not-politics (one of the three seminal blog divides: politics/not politics, food/not food, porn/not porn).  I’ve been following some of these folks for years, and their thoughtful commentaries deserve wider audiences.

While I’m still trying to understand the set-up, I asked for and was included in their “Watcher’s Council” nominations for notable posts this week.  Below you’ll find the nominated articles.  They may interest or infuriate, but they won’t bore.  They cement my belief that the internet is the Gentleman’s Journal of the new century . . . and just in time. ... 

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