I’m positive I’ve “met” Marjorie Taylor Greene a couple of times. I put that in quotes because I don’t think I ever spoke to her, but our paths have crossed. I’m terrible with names, and I meet a lot of people, but I do recognize her.
Marjorie Taylor Greene: Truther Loon
I did not approve of her candidacy, to put it extremely, extremely mildly, but from everything I know about her, and I’ve done some looking, she is not a racist, and she is not an anti-Semite, as Daniel Greenfield and the editors at FrontPageMag assert, not just with no evidence but by carefully eliding evidence. They don’t directly quote the material they’re denouncing because she does not actually attack Jewish people in it. She talks about the Rothchilds, sure. But Greenfield and others believe in and talk endlessly about the conspiratorial world domination efforts by George Soros — as do I — and that doesn’t make us anti-Semites, right?
However, there are ample other reasons to oppose Greene because she does crudely slander people other than Jews. Let’s talk about that. Does she belong in Congress? I don’t think so. But I also think it’s up to the voters in her district to decide that. And from where I sit, there are 100 other people who don’t belong in Congress too, such as anyone who believes the Black Lives Matters lies defaming and demonizing police, or those who subscribe to the perverse pseudo-science of “white fragility” with the ambition of forcing white people into re-education camps in their schools and homes. They’re the real racists, and not a few are anti-Semites too.
Greene is a right-wing Truther. As Matt Taibbi wrote in his excellent book on the subject, The Great Derangement, Truther subculture is neatly split between people on the far-libertarian Right and the radical-Marxist Left. I like to call them Leftitarians. They are the loons howling on the top of the full moon of political affiliation, which is shaped like a circle, not a straight line. Or, if you prefer, a snake eating its own tail. Here is my extremely crude rendering of the circle of real political affiliation. Feel free to send me a more sophisticated, or even contrary, version.
Wow, that is sad. When did I stop being able to draw?
Some Truthers do peddle in anti-Semitism. But virtually every single one of the anti-Semitic Truthers fall on the leftist side of the Truther cusp. Many are Nation of Islam nuts and others who attract Ron Unz’s attention, though, even on his site, not everyone is insane or anti-Semitic. Unz Review is a frequently ugly but interesting case study of the current weirdness of political affiliation at the North Pole of the political circle. It’s where you find all the old demoralization spooks, from Lyndon Larouchites to Lew Rockwellians to Bob Akavians to Kalle Lasnites. Yes, Virginia, these are real people.
Marjorie Taylor Greene has a post office box there too, but I’ve found no evidence Greene shares anti-Semitic views. I’ll happily amend this if someone produces evidence. However, Truthers, including Greene, do openly libel and defame — and worse — other people, such as the brave police and firemen and other First Responders who entered the Twin Towers on 9/11 and died there. Truthers claim these heroes, and especially their superiors (often direct relatives of the murdered) were involved in a conspiracy to bring down the Towers. Money-pockets in the Arab Middle East pay them to do so. They also libel and defame the memory of the military and civilians murdered in the Pentagon and the memory of the civilians and crews of the planes that crashed. They libel and defame — and worse — the families of children murdered in mass school shootings by claiming those shootings didn’t happen.
Cynthia McKinney, Longtime Georgia Congresswoman, Anti-Semitic Truther
But Marjorie Taylor Greene didn’t start Trutherism in the Georgia Delegation. Far from it. Georgia sent a card-carrying Truther to Congress in 1992, and she stayed there for six terms. Cynthia McKinney is a full-blown Truther hailing from the intersection of the taxpayer-funded Tupac Shakur Center for the Arts (a real thing) and Cynthia McKinney Parkway (another real thing). I don’t recall any Democrats calling for her removal from Congress, though she was quite candid in her hatred of Israel and joined Code Pink in treaty-violating actions against Israel by invading Israeli waters on boats. McKinney spent time in an Israeli jail for those illegal “Free Gaza” actions. Yet she was treated with all due respect in Congress and was voted out of office the regular way, once people in her district, which includes the heavily Orthodox and Reform communities in Toco Hills and Druid Hills (residents might consider changing that name) got fed up with her real, overt anti-Semitism.
Having lived in Atlanta for 20 years doing politics, I have long familiarity with Cynthia McKinney. In a former political life, I sometimes worked with her, though I always disliked her and her ilk for the same reasons I dislike Al Sharpton: because they’re actual racists. And they profit off the misery they create in their own communities.
Ron Paul: Cynthia McKinney’s BFF
By the way, Ron Paul is also a Truther, and he works with McKinney.
After their respective government teats dried up, Cynthia McKinney and Ron Paul toured the country together spreading noxious Truther beliefs, funded by the demoralization agents of the Marxist Voltaire Network, which is funded by the Iranian government, the Kremlin, and Lebanon. Voltaire Network is run by radical pro-Iran, anti-Israel French Revolutionary Marxist Thierry Meyssan.
The Thierry Meyssan Gang: Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Chuck Baldwin, and Ralph Nader (still living with his mother’s corpse)
Ironically, Paulites are dupes of the Iranians and Putin. Project Ornicar and The Arab League have also supported this witch’s brew of libertarian-leftists conspiracy mongering. So Ron Paul gets his money from radical Marxists. Think about that, you Reason Magazine dolts. Here’s a picture of the bus Cynthia McKinney and Ron Paul used for their Iran-sponsored ideological honeymoon. It’s real.
Cynthia and Ron and Iran and Putin and Lebanon
Why is Greene in office in the first place? Because the GOP in Georgia is one unbelievably effed-up organization incapable of getting its act together to run real candidates in easy districts or win what should be marginally winning races statewide. But as I said, Cynthia McKinney harbored the same paranoid conspiracies as Greene does for decades while she was in Congress, only she went for overtly anti-Semitic version while Greene does not, and virtually nobody said boo until she lost her seat. Code Pink is an anti-Semitic wing of the Democrat Party, and the Democrats don’t denounce them: they let them get away with both invading Israeli waters and disrupting Congress, the latter repeatedly. And they are still held up as heroes by people like AOC, who also trafficks with unrepentant anti-Semites in her own Jet Girls Gang and is currently blaming Ted Cruz for an alleged date rape that happened to her in college or something.
The blame for the election of Marjorie Taylor Greene lies entirely with the dysfunctional Georgia GOP and specifically, the sleazy gaslighting leaders within it, such as defense attorney/House Speaker David Ralston (who will switch Democrat as soon as it benefits him), Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan (who will also switch Democrat as soon as it benefits him), and my pseudo-conservative, open-borders shill Representative Doug Collins, who has turned our district into the largest per-capital illegal-alien population in the country, by zip code. Collins is a true piece of leftist garbage, though he plays a conservative on Fox News.
Trump was a fool to trust Collins. It was the single dumbest move he ever made, and it cost us the Senate. Doug didn’t even support Trump in 2016. I wish somebody would explain that to Trump.
Doug Collins: Anti-Trump, Open-Borders, Empty-the-Prisons, Legalize Drugs Shill for his Master’s Voice, the Kochs
Cynthia McKinney, Ron Paul, “Judge” Napolitano, David Icke
These people are the real crazies. I’ll leave you the pleasure to google David Icke on your own. Not that Greene doesn’t deserve to join them, but she’s a nobody legislator with some decent social conservative chops, and it should be left to her district to either get her to apologize to all the brave First Responders and parents of murdered children she has defamed or kick her to the curb, like Cynthia McKinney’s constituents eventually did to her. In the meanwhile, smearing her with unfounded accusations of racism and anti-Semitism is just nasty identity politics. And we’re against that sort of cancel culture, right?
Here is a blog post I wrote in September, 2017 for Capitol Research Center about McKinney and the weirdness happening where libertarians meet leftists and collectively howl at the moon while the media blames other members of the Right who have absolutely nothing to do with either McKinney or Paul:
Cynthia McKinney is Back
Even in her tediously corrupt congressional district on Atlanta’s east side, Cynthia McKinney was always considered an outlier. The six-time Georgia congresswoman is not merely a 9/11 Truther; she’s a Tupac Shakur Truther who actually sponsored a bill “modeled on the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992” to investigate possible government involvement in the murder of Shakur, a violent rapper murdered in Las Vegas in 1996.
With antics like this, and her increasingly shrill denunciations of Israel, the Democratic Party heaved a deep sigh of relief in 2006 when McKinney was finally expunged from Congress and deported to the Green Party.
But that was the Democratic Party circa 2006. In the ensuing decade, McKinney has been looking less like a Democratic Party outlier and more like a Democratic Party bellwether. Barack Obama put a palatable resume and a Harvard pedigree on the hardcore radicalism of McKinney and her peers. After he gained the White House he opened the door, and the radicals streamed in.
The reason the Obama revolution worked while the McKinney revolution didn’t has more to do with class and generational differences than with race (i.e. Obama being half-white) or even sex.
For, if history has taught us anything, it is that leftist radicals always like a certain standard of living for themselves as they impose their revolutions on others. Unfortunately for her, coming from a middle-class background, McKinney never had the institutional resources to offer the trust fund Marxist Comp Lit graduate student cabal much more than the promise of damply tabling for the IWW at some lame anti-Israel protest.
In contrast, Obama had the generational good luck to be starting his career just as academia finally disgorged the last few sane people and swam to the deep end of the warm and luxurious bath of Fabian socialism from which they planned to stage the Marxist revolution against America. He inherited a movement that was nicely saturated with six-figure salaries for staging the socialism-for-others-then-communism-for-others takeover of America.
Obama also had the wiles to take advantage of a political machine built by previous generations of Tammany Hall-style politicians in Chicago (the real “you didn’t build that”). He had the exquisite timing to have various political sponsors in Chicago buy him a cushy University of Chicago teaching position, a no-show legal job, a mansion funded by mobster Tony Rezko, a no-show “community services” hospital job for his wife, and several well-remunerated non-jobs on prestigious nonprofit boards before he ran for Congress.
Politically, Obama is just a more sophisticated, younger version of McKinney, but when it comes to class differences, he is a world apart. One dishonest stump speech about “unity” and a bestselling autobiography that turned out to be lies later, and he was, like Chauncey Gardiner in the movie Being There, sitting in the White House, and McKinney was, like the hardworking servant in the movie Being There, still sitting in the kitchen wondering how in the heck he got there.
If I were Cynthia McKinney, I would either hate Obama or be blackmailing him.
But, being Cynthia McKinney and a woman of some energy and absolute beliefs, she just continued selling Marxist snake oil and waiting for Democrats to catch up with her. You do have to respect her tenacity, if nothing else.
Now McKinney is back, dragging a long trail of anti-Semitic behavior that is less embarrassing to the Comp Lit crowd than it used to be. In the tradition of both second sons of plutocrats and second-string Marxist revolutionaries, she has spent the ensuing years on a sort of Grand Tour of Europe (and Israel’s beaches) while waiting for her reputation to mend back home.
With a letter of introduction from the posthumously-still-sleazy Alexander Cockburn in her pocket, McKinney attracted the attention of the Voltaire Network, the Kremlin-cum-Iran-cum-Lebanon-funded French Marxist conspiracy theory propaganda machine. The story of how Voltaire Network devolved from frothing at the mouth at America to climbing into bed with Iran is the oldest story in Marxist politics (hint: it begins in bed with Iran, but does not end with it), but such behavior barely registers on American soil – because the American media refuses to tell of it.
And so, as America hovers on the precipice of being completely taken over by Marxist grad school students as soon as they depose the speed bump that is Trump, McKinney has returned to remind the Democrats that her politics are their politics now. Unsurprisingly, Democratic Party insiders and their media mouthpieces are breaking out in hives at the prospect of being forced to deal with McKinney’s blunt exposure of everything about their politics that they like to keep under wraps.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution practically moaned:
Former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is back.
“The six-term Democrat, who was defeated by Hank Johnson in 2006 and went on to spend time in an Israeli jail for her Free Gaza efforts and unsuccessfully run for president as the Green Party nominee, is embarking on a nationwide “#UNRIG” bus tour “to restore truth and integrity to governance.”
“McKinney is looking to build support for legislation — which has yet to be introduced in Congress — that would nationalize the country’s central banks, enact universal voter registration and open primaries while mandating the use of paper ballots in elections. The tour, which is being coordinated by the nonprofit Earth Intelligence Network, is meant to highlight the concept that political parties are rigged and the media and “deep state” are colluding with them. …
“The last time McKinney was on our radar she gave props to a controversial French comedian who had a history of making anti-Semitic jokes and appeared to support the Charlie Hebdo gunmen.
It might seem that McKinney’s return is cause for celebration on the Right.
Her dreadful optics appear to be a gift that keeps giving. But don’t break out the champagne just yet. McKinney is still partnering with the Right’s answer to the loony Left: Ron Paul’s libertarian troops are on the same bus tour, just as Ron Paul joined McKinney at the Voltaire Network, where he was even more entrenched in their anti-American conspiracy theories than she was.
The AJC adds:
“McKinney is being joined by Robert David Steele, who says he is a former CIA case officer and Nobel Prize nominee. (We couldn’t confirm either tidbit.) They billed themselves as the “alt-left” and the “alt-right” uniting in order to take back the political system for the people.
A tsunami of support is unlikely.
“The bus tour stopped in Atlanta over the weekend and also has plans to stop in Colorado, Oregon and Ohio.
“The image on the side of the bus is something else.
It doesn’t matter that the Paulites have about as much power on the Right as pro-life Democrats have on the Left (or maybe less) while revolutionary Marxists have gained control over all the institutions of the Democratic Party, including its plutocrats. What matters is how the media digests and regurgitates the story, and for the media, the Ron Paul movement is the golden vaccine protecting Democrats from a bad outbreak of Cynthia McKinney. So long a there is a single “alt-right” (or purported “alt-right”) person on that bus with her, McKinney and her anti-American, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories become a bipartisan problem that can be further fluffed by the media into a Republican “alt-right” problem, which can be further fluffed into a “Republican Alt-Right” problem.
Meanwhile, the revolutionary Marxists of the left slink away unnoticed and Voltaire Network’s Thierry Meyssan and his actually-Kremlin-funded Marxist revolutionaries laugh all the way to the bank.
Of course it isn’t fair, but expect McKinney to continue being depicted by the media as someone Good Democrats will have nothing to do with while Republicans get saddled with “alt-right” baggage they never encouraged or accepted, let alone re-elected to Congress five times.
The unfairness of the media is well-established. The organizational problem for the Right remains: what do we do about Paulites and others who stake out property on our side of the snake-eating-its-own-tail circle of politics while pushing the conspiracy theories and prejudices of the hard Left?
If we do nothing about them, get used to the smell of those moldy Workers World newspapers piled up in Cynthia McKinney’s closets. They smell like the future.
I wrote that in 2017, and it’s even more relevant now. For once, can we stop playing by the Democrat Hunger Games against our own?