No, Judith Clark Isn’t A “Reformed Prisoner.” Yes, Her Victims Are Still Dead. And Guess Which Congressional Freshman Supported Her Parole.

Judith Clark in Court Laughing about Cops and Security Officer she Murdered

Cop-hating rag of record the New York Times is once again grotesquely trying to peddle the story that Brinks Robbery cop-killer Judith Clark is now a “reformed person” who deserves the parole Andrew Cuomo just orchestrated for her.  “Ms. Clark, 69 . . . evolved during her long incarceration from a left-wing extremist to a model prisoner known for good works,” the Times lied today.

The “reform” game is one they’ve been playing with unrepentant leftist terrorists like Clark for years.   But as I wrote in 2012, Judith Clark’s purported prison house “good works” are no such thing: they are the same leftist extremism repackaged for a dumber generation of Times subscribers.

Curiously, in 2012, the last time the Times tried to spring Clark, they did so on the grounds that she was still a radical, but a . . . radical for good.  Then, the headline read: “Judith Clark’s Radical Transformation.”  Yes: they actually made a pun about killing two cops and a security guard.

This time they’re saying she “evolved.”  Just like the language commissars at the Times.

Judith Clark With Dogs She Didn’t Help Gun Down Mercilessly

In 2012, here’s what terrorist fanboy Tom Robbins bathetically wrote in the Times about Clark’s purported path to rehabilitation:

“I was not a good freedom fighter,” she told herself, “but I can be a good captive freedom fighter.” Her role models were Puerto Rican radicals, linked to a group responsible for a string of deadly bombings, who declared themselves prisoners of war after being arrested …

Inmate 83G0313, as Clark was known, was considered a major security risk, her every step carefully tracked. There was good cause for concern. Clark’s radical crew was known for plots like the 1979 prison breakout of Assata Shakur, a Black Liberation Army leader. At one point, the prison superintendent, Elaine Lord, was assigned a guard. Twice, Lord had to leave prison grounds as a precaution …

… letters from Clark describing the prison’s layout and operations were discovered when a pair of fugitives were captured.

Slowly she began building a life behind bars. Through programs for inmates, she earned a bachelor’s degree in behavioral science followed by a master’s in psychology. When the government ended tuition aid for inmates, she helped persuade local colleges to offer affordable courses. As AIDS arrived in the prison, terrifying inmates and correction officers alike, she calmed things down by educating everyone.

In 1994, a prison-advocacy newsletter published one of her poems and referred to her as a political prisoner. Clark wrote to the editor disagreeing, saying that she felt no pride in what she’d done. “I feel only enormous regret, sorrow and remorse.”

Not long ago, Clark spoke at a Bedford Hills event. Her theme was the Book of Jonah. Like Jonah, she told the audience, she had spent years in self-destructive behavior and had been cast overboard into a stormed-tossed sea for her actions. Like Jonah, she found rescue in the belly of the whale, in her case behind bars. “In prison,” she said, “I learned who I was.”

Tom Robbins, Cop-Killer Apologist

Robbins, who teaches at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, where they practically have a minor in how to write about hating cops, was lying.  In the same article, he crudely accused the survivors of Clark’s murder spree who objected to her parole as acting with “wrath.”  Has he evolved, I wonder?

As I wrote in 2012, contrary to what Robbins claimed in the Times, Judith Clark did actively participate in publishing hate-filled political poetry.  And she was still at it years later, spitting out poem after poem denouncing incarceration for anyone but especially for “political prisoners.”  Far from arguing against being designated as a political prisoner (unless she was writing to Cuomo asking for her release), she, along with fellow leftist killers happily accepted awards from PEN for their America-hating, cop-hating, prison publications.  She also accepted accolades and funding from scores of other so-called “prison abolition” activists who believe that incarceration itself is the only real injustice arising from the crimes she committed.

For example, in the 1997 book, Aliens at the Border: The Bedford Hills [Prison] Writing Workshop, published by the Segue Foundation (you can thank them here) and republished in the New Yorker, which loves cop-killer poetry, Clark wrote about how sad she was, not at killing two police and a security guard, but at being subjected to “the debris of police searches, overturned lives” that made her lose her favorite shirt.  Or something.

That witch doesn’t care about anyone but herself.

Clark’s alleged “AIDS Activism” was just another iteration of trendy leftist agitation.  All of her activism behind bars has been about about accusing the state, and by extension, taxpayers, of literally murdering prisoners, or cruelly depriving them of things like master’s degrees in anthropology.  Her demand that prisoners receive better education wasn’t about readily available GEDs but about institutionalizing limitless, taxpayer-funded access to a plethora of fake university and graduate programs taught by tenured radicals intent on fomenting violence and resentment among the incarcerated.

All of her activism behind bars was and is no different from the primitive demands for attention and communist revolution she once levied at the end of a gun.  Only the tactics changed.

And about that gun: in 2012, she, and the Times, and Tom Robbins lied about her use of a gun during the Brinks murders.  As I corrected the version offered by the paper of record in 2012:

[W]e’re supposed to believe she didn’t know about the gun in her purse (that happens to me all the time) and that she was only “squirming” towards the gun because she hurt herself playing volleyball some time back before she became a weaponized hate-moppet trying to off an innocent cop, and we’re supposed to believe that she has achieved some cosmic level of rehabilitative bliss while we’re also supposed to believe that she knew nothing of the purpose of the Brinks robbery, which was to secure funds to buy lots of other guns that Clark apparently knew nothing about …

And so on.  There were many lies in the Times 2012 campaign to free Judith Clark, but perhaps most dishonest was their effort to cover up the fact that they were publishing long stories about radical leftist killers learning to knit and write bad poetry in prison because they were helping push a parole reform campaign that would force the system to spring killers like Judith Clark on the grounds that they had hobbies like knitting and writing bad poetry.  No matter who they killed.

Cliff Kincaid exposed this campaign and the attention lavished by celebrities and politicians on the killers here.

And here is my post about the release of yet another one of Clark’s co-defendants, this one freed by the Obama administration: Marilyn Buck, Cop Killer: Five Less Than Six Degrees of Separation From Barack Obama.

Steve Zeidman: Using Taxpayer Resources to Spring a Cop-Killer?

Meanwhile, Professor Steve Zeidman, CUNY School of Law, has been using his taxpayer-funded school offices to solicit support for the Parole for Judy Clark Campaign for years.  Here is his appeal from the website:

Please send your letter to Judy’s legal team who will submit letters to the Parole Board once her next hearing is scheduled:

  1. By email: OR
  2. By mail:

Professor Steve Zeidman
CUNY School of Law
2 Court Square
Long Island City NY 11101

Is this legal?  Can anything be done about this?    

And here, from the same organization, is a list of Clark’s supporters, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:


In April 2019, over 2,000 people representing a cross-section of New Yorkers called upon the New York State Parole Board to grant parole to Judy, the second longest-serving incarcerated woman in the state.

Among the notable supporters:

Robert Morgenthau: Former Manhattan District Attorney, former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and longtime Chair of the Police Athletic League
The Honorable Jonathan Lippman: Former Chief Judge of New York and current chair of the Rikers Island Commission
Four Former New York State Parole Board Commissioners: Robert Dennison, Vernon Manley, Thomas Grant, and Barbara Treen
Elaine Lord: Former Superintendent of Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for twenty years, where Judith Clark has been incarcerated
Thirteen former presidents of the New York City Bar Association
Vanda Seward: former Statewide Director of Reentry Services for the Department of Corrections
Norma Hill: a victim of the Brinks robbery who testified against Ms. Clark at her trial
Colleen Kelly: Founder of the Nobel Peace Prize nominated victims’ organization “September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows”
William vanden Heuvel: Former Chair of the New York City Board of Correction and Special Assistant to then-United States Attorney Robert F. Kennedy
Hazel Dukes: President, New York State NAACP
Sonia Ossorio: President, New York State NOW
11 members of New York’s Congressional delegation, including Hakeem Jeffries, Jerrold Nadler, and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
11 State Senators, including Chairman of Committee on Judiciary Brad Hoylman
Jumaane Williams: New York City Public Advocate
More than 150 faith-based leaders






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