Nevin Gussack and I will be on Herschell Miller’s idiosyncratic podcast Patriotic Populist tomorrow. Nevin is the author of the controversial book, Turning the Page: My Evolution from Conservatism to Radical Civic Nationalism, in which he bravely challenges Republicans and conservatives to reexamine some of our heroes and fiscal ideology to move towards a more united, more electable, and stronger America.
You may not agree with everything Nevin writes, but his efforts to expand discussion within our side of the political spectrum is indispensable, now more than ever. His breadth of knowledge about history and politics is humbling. Few people understand more about the dangers of both external meddling from communist states and the dysfunctions in American politics that prevent us from protecting our country. Please join us, and please consider buying his latest book.
Here is a sample of his other books. His is an historically informed and political voice that definitely deserves more attention.